Book a Session with Caleb
Consider becoming a member for more perks.
Same-Day Disclosure
Before booking, please confirm a meeting time with Caleb by texting him at (480) 420 - 8218.
In-Person Disclosure
Discount to locals: 20% off! (already applied to total)
Mathyness only offers in-person sessions in Johnson City, TN. Our default location is Blues Brews, a coffee shop near downtown JC. Other meeting locations are upon request, and may be suggested by your tutor.
Read more about why Mathyness supports locals.
Yes, if you schedule for your student. After you click View Availability and select a time, then enter your student's first and last name, your email, and finally your students email in the guest section. All emails will get the Zoom link and reminder emails. Only the first email will get the receipt. Guest emails do not get receipts.
Consider becoming a member, which makes scheduling much easier.
Yes, if you can find other college student(s) taking the class with the same professor (they could be in a different section). For non-college students, we recommend the other student(s) be in the same grade and school, although this is not a requirement.
Please understand that sharing a session with other student(s) will reduce the individualized attention to each student. Since every situation is different, less individualized attention might not be an issue for you. We are happy to give recommendations during your consultation call.
We take card as payment when you schedule a session with us. We use Stripe, a payment processor trusted by companies such as Amazon, Google, Instacart, and Peloton.
We recommend that our clients use Link, Stripe's one-click payment software, to speed up the scheduling process. It is safe and secure. You choose which sites and devices to authorize Link's usage on. When you use Link, it will autofill your saved card details, address, and phone number. You may set up Link at any time when you are booking a session or go directly to their website.
To set up Link, first choose a session to book. After you choose a time slot, enter your credentials (name, email, and phone). Finally enter your card details. At this point, a button with text, "Autofill with link," will appear, see the image below. Clicking on it will bring you to the sign up page.
Yes, if availability allows. Contact us to inquire. Per our pricing, we do ask for a same-day scheduling fee within a 10 hour notice.
We waive same-day fees for members.
We tutor for nearly all math classes up to Calculus III and Differential Equations. Check here to see if your class is listed.